Winning Recipe from last week’s Open Kitchen: Where’s The Sweetness

We had an incredible Open Kitchen last week. We focused on dessert and talked about the perceptions of dessert: from our loves to it being an enemy. We talked about childhood memories and we talked about prescriptions that force us to ban it. We also enjoyed each others company sharing recipes and stories.

We usually don’t have contests at Open Kitchen, but with all the discussions on desserts and diabetes I have been having with people all year; I wanted to see who could make something that tasting great in one bite, and here it is: and give it up to Yana Frank (and everyone who brought something!)

Red Currant Tarte  – “Traeubleskuchen”

(literally Little Grapes Cake, what red currants are called colloquially in Swabia, the German region around Stuttgart)
by Cooking Comrade Yana Frank

200g flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
125g butter or margarine
100g sugar
2 egg yolk (I took 3)
grated peel of half a lemon

2 egg whites (3)
100g sugar
2 teaspoons corn starch
500 g red currants

Sieve flour and baking powder together and mix with the butter, egg yolks and lemon peel to form a dough. (Like a pie crust, mix and knead just a bit, it’s pretty crumbly). Let rest for about 30 minutes in the fridge (in foil). Roll out and put in tarte form or large pie or cake tin. Bake at
medium heat until golden.

In the meantime beat egg whites until stiff, then gradually add the sugar and starch and keep whipping until very stiff. Continue beating for
another 5 minutes. Mix berries carefully under the egg whites. Pull crust from oven and spread filling on top of it. Bake at medium heat until top
is light brown.